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  4. Badboys Ceramic Ext. Plastic Dressing

Badboys Ceramic Ext. Plastic Dressing


Exterior Ceramic Plastic Dressing is an exceptionally durable preparation that uses the latest ceramic technology based on active SiO₂ to obtain a deep bond with the pores of the plastic surfaces outside the vehicle. Exterior Ceramic Plastic Dressing can be used on all external plastic parts and, thanks to its high temperature resistance, even in the engine compartment. The preparation protects plastics against the harmful effects of UV radiation, and the SiO₂ content creates a hydrophobic layer that prevents the deposition of dirt. It nourishes faded plastics and protects them from loss of color, making the surface fresh and slippery for a long time.


Directions for use:

Apply on a thoroughly clean and dry surface of external plastics.

- Apply to a soft microfiber applicator, brush or sponge.
- Rub into the surface of the plastic, ensuring an even coverage, avoid contact with the paint.
- Allow to absorb for about 2 minutes, do not let it dry completely, then wipe of excess.

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